
See my reviews and endorsements!

Mason Weaver Unleashed

June 2, 2017

Wow, I can’t remember how long I have enjoyed hearing Mason speak, but it’s many years. Anytime that I am planning an event, Mason is the first one I turn to. Mason and I have traveled to most parts of NC and many times I have invited Mason to speak at events in DC. I currently serve as Senator in NC. Prior to that I served as NCGOP vice chair, many positions in the Federation of Republican Women, and Grassroots coordinator for FreedomWorks. In each of these capacities, Mason has always rushed in when called, and delivered the show stopping speech at my events. He has, what I call Masonisms ready in an instant and those are priceless. If you haven’t had the pleasure of hearing this patriot speak, it should absolutely be at the top of your bucket list.

Joyce Krawiec

Dynamic Communicator

May 24, 2017

Mason is a very passionate motivational speaker. He is well versed on his captivating and compelling topics. Mason delivers!

Jacqueline A.Nagy

Stallion Road Ranch

May 14, 2017

Mason and I have been friends for over 20 years now. I met Brynda, his beautiful wife, and Mason during my time as a field representative for a local assemblyman here in SoCal. I own one of his first editions of It’s Okay to Leave the Plantation! The truth he speaks and the spirit of his message is one more Americans need to hear. Will he rock your socks? You bet he will! For the good of your family and friends and our wonderful country.

Cindy BeVier Hodges

You Must Here the Truth!!

May 13, 2017

I’ve been knowing Mason Weaver for many years now, and I encourage all the hear him speak! He pulls no punches, because the truth hurts! Highly encourage all to hear him speak about the greatness of the United States of America!

C. Brian Madden

The Underground Railroad

May 11, 2017

Mr. Mason is a master of oratory, and he compels you to take responsibility for your own future.

Christopher Harris

Short Review with Big Statement

May 10, 2017

Mason Weaver, you are my hero!

Ambassador Holland Coors Adolph Coors Foundation

Listen to his powerful story!

May 10, 2017

The Mason Weaver Story!” One of the most powerful stories you will ever hear. Its dramatic presentation added to its effectiveness. What a tremendous talent!

James Kennedy. Founder of “The Coral Ridge Hour” broadcast

Recommended as Keynote Speaker

May 10, 2017

I can heartily recommend Mason Weaver as a key note speaker. He knows the issues and will motivate. Your people will leave more informed and motivated to the task ahead.

Jack Daughery President, Daughery Motivation, Inc

Understands the Science of Success

May 10, 2017

I have never heard anyone speak who understands the science of success the way Mason does. He really gets it, and if you listen, you’ll get it, too. Successful people listen to Mason Weaver!

Bill Britt, the founder and leader of Britt WorldWide

Master Motivator

May 10, 2017

Mason Weaver is a master motivator – his confidence and experience translate into a presence that empowers audiences. His keen insight and powerful delivery inspire listeners to be more and do more than they ever thought possible. When I need my people to reach new plateaus, I call Mason Weaver!

Linden Blue - Co-Owner and founder of General Atomics

The electricity is amazing!

May 10, 2017

You have to attend a Mason Weaver event to understand how great a speaker he is. The electricity is amazing; Mason Weaver charges the atmosphere with truth and unconventional wisdom that other speakers are afraid to unveil. You’re laughing, you’re thinking, and you find yourself believing that you can move mountains – and you can

Dexter Yeager, founder of The Yeager Group

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